List of things I wish to learn/write about

  • Usage of pd.json_normalize() to wrangle various types of (deeply) nested JSON
  • stack() and unstack() in Pandas
  • Familiarize myself with the apply() family of functions/methods in Pandas
  • Learn more about "Apache Hive Metastore" and how it interlinks with Databricks and Delta Lake format
  • Make Pelican accept nested lists with 2 spaces as indentation


Libraries I wish to become proficient in:

  • sqlalchemy
  • unittest
  • matplotlib
  • altair
  • streamlit
  • requests
  • pydantic
  • re

Web Tech

Web Stack/Tools I wish to become proficient in:

  • Flask -> for simple pages, APIs and experiments
  • Django -> for more complex applications
  • HTMX -> to add interactivity, without much JavaScript
  • Celery -> as a task queue
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis -> as cache + own curiosity
  • Stripe/Square -> for handling payments

Long-Term Goals

  • Kubernetes
  • Prometheus/Grafana -> Monitor resource usage
  • Elastic Search/Kibana -> Consolidate & monitor logs
  • Ansible


  • Usage of Debugger
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Refactoring


  • git
  • vim
  • tmux